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Healing from Adverse Childhood Experiences

As human beings, we revere our growing up years with a sort of sacredness. We remember who our family is and who our friends were. Some of us had painfully difficult childhood memories while others had fond and happy memories. Unfortunately, those with traumatic experiences in childhood will negatively impact and cause great struggles into adulthood.

During the years of 1995 to 1997, Kaiser Permanente and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had conducted studies to demonstrate a strong correlation between adverse childhood experiences and significant health and social problems as an adult.

This trauma experienced by children can be the cause of many health and social issues including substance, physical, emotional, sexual abuse, parents’ divorce and household mental illness.

As adults, we have an opportunity to learn and understand both positive and negative experiences. Learning to understand the bad things that happen to us can take time and cause much pain. The greatest benefit of working toward healing is that it qualifies us for happiness. 

As we have gone through the harsh lessons of life, we have learned many things. With this learning comes the opportunity to increase our understanding of others, and to develop patience and love. We begin to have greater compassion for others, to really understand their point of view and their feelings, not necessarily their exact circumstances. True healing brings the gift of gratitude and humility. We will be able to feel at peace within our heart and mind. Healing opens our hearts and minds to the truth and the beauty of living and loving life.

Healing is required in all aspects of our lives.

1. Physical

2. Emotional

3. Spiritual


Physical Healing: We must understand that pain will come, as it is part of life. Our bodies were designed to heal and repair themselves.

Emotional Healing: The heartaches that we carry may be caused by others’ misdeeds and mistakes, or our own personal mistakes and   destructive actions. It may be our thoughts and feelings creating emotional pain. This may be referred to as our “inner demons.”

Spiritual Healing: It is needed to restore us to our former self and connect us to our Creator. This allows us to receive the light in times of darkness. Increasing our spirituality through healing brings the light of hope in times of darkness. It guides, clarifies, and brings the power of compassion, preparing us to take advantage of the miracle of forgiveness for ourselves and for those who have hurt us.

 Attitudes have a powerful influence as they greatly influence the choices we make toward a life of happiness or misery.  Our attitude comes from our own perceptions. Remember, our perception is our reality. A good attitude softens the pain, trials, and tragedies of life. In addition, it brings hope to us and others around us. An ungrateful attitude is empty and produces a meaningless life.

As you increase your capacity to help heal the troubled world around you, you qualify yourself to be able to experience even greater peace within yourself. Feeling at peace with oneself is a great gift that is earned by healing.


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