Mission: to strengthen, keep and reunite families by responsibly involving fathers and mothers in the lives of their children, families and communities.
Office: 480-400-IAF0 (4230)
Addressing Family Violence and Abuse©
Addressing Family Violence and Abuse© is a 14-session program that was created to provide a more
in-depth and focused resource for families and communities facing this devastating problem. The three-day training defines domestic violence and abuse identifies contributing factors and provides ways to overcome the effects of abuse and much more. This program offers hope and healing to individuals caught in the cycle of abuse and violence.
Training is available virtually (Zoom) or in person. Our in-person training will take place at:
525 West Southern Avenue
Suite 109/110
Mesa, AZ 85210.

If you are interested in training for your organization or program, please email training@aznaffa.org.
“I know of no tradition, belief, ceremony, or teaching that allows family members to abandon, abuse, neglect, ignore, harm, injure, or molest other family members, specifically children.” -Albert M. Pooley
Host Hotels for In-Person Training
Upcoming Training Dates
Training dates coming soon!